About Stephen Hayes

Stephen Hayes is General Academic's Vice President. Stephen created the curriculum for our ISEE, SAT, PSAT, and ACT services, and he is always happy to talk shop about any of your academic needs. Stephen loves to travel abroad, especially if it’s to Iceland! He graduated from Houston Baptist University with a BA in English in 2010, and he has been a Texan since age 4.

Houston’s National Merit Semifinalists for 2024-2025

Houston's Graduating Seniors Get Smarter The 2024-2025 National Merit Scholarship Competition is looking to be a good year for Houston-area high school seniors. There are 582 seniors who scored in the top 1% on the PSAT to earn the celebrated “Semifinalist” designation and will go on to compete for the [...]

2024-09-12T14:24:55-05:00September 11th, 2024|Schools|

ISEE Test Score Improvement, What to Expect

During the 2023-2024 fall testing cycle, nearly 300 Houston-area students prepared for their ISEE and SSAT private school admissions tests with General Academic. While every child’s situation is unique and we’re unable to guarantee specific results, we are nonetheless delighted to see such excellent outcomes from this year’s cohort. In [...]

2024-07-02T14:05:09-05:00March 25th, 2024|ISEE|

Our COVID-19 Offerings and Precautions

We are operating all services "as normal" while taking every precaution in the face of the continuing pandemic threat. We are closely monitoring the ongoing covid threats including the emergence of new variants and continue to follow local and CDC guidelines. The vaccination rate among our team is over 98%. [...]

2022-03-10T10:37:59-06:00March 1st, 2022|Uncategorized|

Managing Learning During COVID-19 Disruptions

The global COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted the academic year for Houston-area students. As of this writing, private and public schools are ordered closed through the end of the 2019-2020 academic year. Academic Schedule Disruptions due to Covid STAAR end of year testing is suspended per [...]

2020-09-24T16:56:19-05:00March 16th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Register Now for Summer 2020 Test Prep Courses

Our summer courses for the ISEE, P/SAT, and ACT provide an invaluable head start to fall testing. Our very small classes are capped at 8 students and allow for individualized attention from our brilliant instructors. All classes meet remotely or at our socially-distanced, loft-like office just north of the [...]

2021-03-08T13:43:29-06:00February 7th, 2020|ACT, SAT, PSAT, ISEE|
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