Remote Online Tutoring

Let our tutors lighten your load with easy-to-use online tutoring. General Academic has tutored online since our founding in 2003, and we know this virtual medium to be as effective as it is convenient.

We have partnered closely with ed-tech company to publish our more than 50 full-length practice tests on their adaptive learning platform.

Our investments in original e-learning content, advanced technology, and tutor training makes the transition from in-person to remote tutoring practically seamless.

How Remote, Online Tutoring Works

You probably already have experience with and access to common online tutoring tools. And if not, our tutors will be happy to provide tech support too! There are no geographic restrictions with remote tutoring. And when you feel safe to do so, you can switch to meeting in-person in-home or in-office with the same tutor.

Meeting w/ Video Chat

Video chat software enables your student to literally meet face-to-face with their tutor. We like using Skype, Zoom, and FaceTime.

Reading w/ Screen Sharing

Screen sharing enables the tutor to view the same lesson material as your student. Skype, Zoom, and FaceTime have built-in screen sharing functions.

Working w/ Whiteboards

Zoom and Google’s digital whiteboards enable students to work through math and science problems like pencil and paper.

Recommended Hardware and Software

Below is a sample of some of the technology we regularly use and have trained our tutors on. If you’re not familiar with some of these tools, don’t worry—your student has almost certainly used them before and our tutors will be happy to provide tech support.

Touchscreen Device

Devices such as an Apple iPad or Microsoft Surface enable your student to easily work in a whiteboard just like they would with pencil and paper. An iPad with Pencil can usually be purchased for about $450 on sale.

Drawing Tablet

You don’t have to have a $450 Apple iPad and Pencil lying around. Instead, you can purchase a very affordable drawing tablet with stylus for less than $40. We use the Huion Inspiroy H640p, available for $39 from Amazon.

Meeting App

Apps like Zoom and Skype are generally free and cross-platform compatible (Microsoft, Apple, Chrome). Primary features include video chat and screen sharing.

Whiteboard App

Zoom includes a built-in whiteboard and even the ability to mark up web pages and PDFs in real-time. Google’s Jamboard app for iOS and Android is particularly robust.

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